Very good article, easy and simple to understand as well. So what i understood is
Elastic computing is all about creating a virutal server, process stuff, and when that server is not needed, shut it down. The point is all has to be done by using an API, that is why that server is called a virtual server. Great concept.
Now after reading that article first question came into my mind was : What does it mean by a SERVER ?
Isn't this concept is same as allocating some memory when you need that by using new() keyword or by anyother means which is supported by the language, use that memory and deallocate when it is not required any more. But i think this is something different.
The difference is :-
Virtual Sever should behave like a SEVER means :-
Get the Memory +Processing Power + Take part in clustring + Perform load balancing + may have some kind of fail safe mechnism + anything that you can imagine with a SERVER
But i think the capability of those VIRTUAL SERVERS will be limited to the capability of available hardware.
Your thought / Comments are welcome.
Amrat Nandlal
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